Tuesday, April 18, 2006

What to do about testing?

After the initial elation of developers at being able to get something done, some interesting realities are settling in. For one thing, how do you perform quality assurance? The current state of the process art says things about using test driven development for addressing Quality by reducing overall quality problems, but little is said about the Assurance part of qa. It is an interesting question that is not really addressed by the community.

How do you write test cases against dynamic requirements? In some products it will be enough to state "Quality is Adequate". Our product has HIPPA requirements to adhere to and our customers require documented qa results. How do you change a test team used to being told what to look for via documents being pushed to them to one that will actively adapt and demand answers to shifting questions (pull).

How does bug tracking and resolution integrate with closed iteration cycles.

Should QA be integrated and absorbed by development or should it be run as a seperate, independant team operating as a crosscut or parallel scrum?

I smell a book deal for someone.

Agile testing roadmap

Agile testing resources

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